It’s not a secret that Halloween is one of my favourite times of the year. I mean everyone loves Christmas but for me Halloween is nearly on the same line as Christmas. Browsing the shops at Halloween is so much fun and I always end up getting something new every year.
Even before we had kids, I was very much into dressing up and celebrating Halloween. Back in the day when we were kids and teenagers my friends would come over to my house and we would have a Halloween Party on the third floor. I remember well playing the Ouija board and watching Blair Witch project. In fact when I was in Germany over two weeks ago, my friend and me were just talking about it. Those were the times.
And so I encourage my kids to celebrate Halloween too and they absolutely love it. Matthew is at the stage now where he likes dressing up for it. Chloe not so much yet but she did get a ghost costume for this year’s trick or treat in our estate. We even have a Halloween estate party, I can’t wait for that one. Of course I picked up a brand new costume for myself, too.
With this post I want to reflect on the previous years when the kids were dressed up. It’s like a little keepsake post if you like which rounds up Halloween since we became parents.
Halloween 2012
Matthew’s first Halloween outfit was a pumpkin and he was only two months old. I remember very well how he was sweating in it because it was quite warm at the time. It didn’t help that he had eczema and the costume was fleece. However the photo was worth the memory for years to come.
Halloween 2013
Moving onto the following year, when Matthew was fourteen month old he simply wore a skeleton jumper. You may not be able to see it on this photo anymore but he had a little ghost drawn on his cheek, too. The picture was taken in creche when he was playing with his little friends.
Halloween 2014
At the age of two Matthew wasn’t too keen to wear a costume and so a spider jumper was the only solution. Simple but still effective and he loved it.
Halloween 2015
The following year little sister Chloe joined in the Halloween celebrations at the age of eight month. She was loving all the attention. At the time we actually had a little Halloween photo shooting in the kitchen. This was the first year Matthew was getting excited to get dressed up. His choice of costume was a vampire. Chloe was a mix of witch and pumpkin. She wore a Halloween Peppa Pig dress. I miss the times of her wearing dresses actually because she will not put on a dress at all now.
Halloween 2016
Halloween 2016 was the first year in our new house. Again Matthew was a vampire again. We moved the week before Halloween and so I barely had anytime to focus on Halloween and organise costumes for everyone. Chloe got to wear a ghost dress. She loved it. The eyes were her favourite as you can make out in the photo above. Also I couldn’t stay away from the matching Halloween dresses Want that Trend had on offer at the time. So me and Chloe did matchy match for Halloween, too.
Halloween 2017
Last year was the year Matthew became obsessed with Transformers. For that reason it was quite obvious who he is going to dress up as. He was Optimus Prime. The costume and mask was actually great quality and we have it still hanging up in his bedroom. He has opted in for something more scary this year though. Last year I picked up a cat costume for Chloe but that was also the stage she became a bit more difficult wearing dresses and she ended up not wearing it at all. We’ll see how this year will go.
The purpose of this post is to give all my readers an idea what you could dress up your little ones this year. So I asked the blogger community as well what their kids have dressed up as so far:
Raimonda from Cosmo Mum :

Emma from Dirt Diggers and Dinosaurs:

Laura from Dilan and me:

Nicole from The Littlest Darlings:

Emma from Ready Freddie Go:

Beth from Twinderelmo:

What costumes do you plan buying this year?
I think that’s a brillian costume. Hubby is reading some of my posts sometimes as well and he pointed out the bunny… of all photos lol
Thank you for including me. I’ve also got a Halloween dress, from Want that Trend…but only boys here so no cute twinning! The zombie bunny was a fun try on in Wilkinsons but just too weird to purchase for a 4 year old so we’ve yet to decide on a theme for this year. With baby number 3 due any day, I get to indulge in a newborn costume this year too eeeekkk 🎃🕸️🕷️🦇