The Dodie Battle

Have you ever come across a baby that won’t take a dodie at all or keeps it in for a few minutes and then spits it out? If so read on.

Chloe is a complete different baby to what Matthew was. With the first baby you would expect it to be the fussy one, the one that always gives out and hard to get settled. My children are the other way around. Matthew has been the easiest baby since day 1. Always sleeping, never crying unless hungry and sucking on a dodie no problem.

Chloe on the other hand would sleep 2 hours at a time. She has got better though in fairness. At night she would sleep 4 hours sometimes.

But the worst situation we are in at the moment is the dodie/soother/binkie whatever you call it. She doesn’t just cry because she is hungry. For example she can’t just lay on the couch for a few minutes looking around without crying. The only thing that keeps her quiet and calm is the dodie. The only issue is she won’t keep it in for long. Her hands keep kicking it out too but we can’t go without one either because she is wriggling around with the legs then.

In the hospital she has been getting the “Soothie” dodie. Because it is so massive, she is able to kick it out with her hands no problem. You could be spending hours putting it in again.



I admit it took a few dodies to get Matthew to take one too but we figured out that he only likes Latex dodies, (He’s still taking them now)

I have never bought so many dodies in my life!! The latest one I bought was only today but doesn’t seem to work that well either. To give you an idea, these are the ones we have tried so far:

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First up we have the MAM night soother from 0+months. Personally I love these. The shape of them is great. Matthew lived on these, just the latex version of it.

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My friend was having trouble with soother for her boy too and she recommended this one to me. It is from Avent and the soother is orthodontic. Again, once the head goes to the side, it’s out.

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This one I got off my friend in Germany as Matthew loved them and still does It is from a company called Babydream. It does stay in a bit longer but eventually falls out too.

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Last up we have “My first Nuk” soother. Same problem.

Now, tell me I am crazy buying all these different dodies. Looks like we are sticking with the “Soothie” for the moment anyway and hopefully when she is a bit older she will take one of the ones I got.

Did you have fussy baby when it came to soothers? What did you do? Did you find THE soother eventually? I would love if you could share your story.


Mums' Days


  1. 19th March 2015 / 9:45 pm

    Nope, I tried loads and Reuben just couldn’t get on with any of them. For a little while, as long as i held it in his mouth he would drift off to sleep but in the end I decided I’d prefer him to go to sleep without the need of my arm! Good luck with your quest and thanks for linking up xx

  2. 14th March 2015 / 7:19 pm

    I never won with the binky(dodie) with either of mine. They hated them and would just spit them out so I left them and never used them again. Buba was fine, my first. My second just sucked her thumb for about three months then quit that too. She will either find her way with it or leave it. It’s funny how different each child is. I thought mine would be more similar that way. Good luck. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

  3. 13th March 2015 / 9:57 am

    Well I hope this one works for you!! Out of my three, my eldest had a dummy from early on but he gripped onto it for dear life. My second needed the comfort but couldn’t keep a dummy in – then at about 4 (ish) weeks she found her thumb and still sucks it now 4 yrs on!! My youngest did exactly the same as her sister weirdly. Good luck with it!