Spring is here

What a lovely day it was again today. We were able to be outside pretty much the whole day.

The day started off a bit unexpected though. Originally we were supposed to be going to Dublin to look at a new couch. Then I found out my battery in my car was flat because I left the key in engine and must have left the radio on when Matthew was sleeping in it. *oops* So spent the whole morning to get that fixed again.

Then I completely forgot that it’s Easter Sunday tomorrow and all shops are closed so I had to do the grocery shopping today. That was the Dublin trip out the window. But to be honest I am glad we didn’t go as Matthew was so bad behaved today due to his cold he has. Not his fault but it can be hard sometimes.
(By the way, has anyone any advice what to do with a constant runny nose? All tips welcome!!! Because he is only small so he wouldn’t know how to blow his nose. He cough a lot. 🙁 )

It was so nice today that we decided to go the playground before lunch. Matthew really enjoyed himself. He had to try out everything. That is slide, horsey and swing.

2014-04-19 12.01.16 Swing time

2014-04-19 12.01.33

2014-04-19 12.09.48 Horsey

2014-04-19 12.14.15Running around

As it is Easter and it is normally all about chocolate I thought I treat Matthew to a new toy. So we went to Smyths together and bought him a slide for the garden. He loves it! Doesn’t want to stop sliding down. I sent the cat down it, too. Probably illegal but Matthew found it hilarious. 🙂

2014-04-19 17.40.15

2014-04-19 17.41.30
