Siblings in July

Half the month of July is gone. Not much of the Summer 2016 left. Not in Ireland anyway We are trying to make the most of it though. The last few days have been lovely for a change. I was away last weekend for a few days to visit my friend in Germany. It was roasting over there. They still have the weather. I must have brought it with me. That’s what you get for living on Ireland at the Atlantic Ocean. The weather is bound to change all the time.

2016-07-01 08.03.54

Every morning Matthew comes into Chloe’s room now and wakes her for me but also hands her a toy to entertain her while I am getting ready. He is a big fan of sitting in the cot bed with her.

When the weather was bad for a week or so, we still managed to have some fun in the house with bubbles. Both absolutely loved it. Matthew can get a bit overexcited and wants to “smash” the bubbles all the time and Chloe doesn’t even get a chance because she is not able to stand yet but with just a little reminder, they take turns.


Now that Matthew can finally ride his Spiderman bike it’s a bit easier to take the two of them out in the estate. He can practice cycling with two feet. (He only manages to do it with one at the moment) I can’t wait until Chloe is able to walk. It will be so cute seeing the two of them playing together, running around, playing football etc.

2016-07-02 15.43.13

Yesterday morning, we decided to go for a stroll on the local beach. Matthew loved it. I might have mentioned before that he adores the beach. Next month I will have lots of family holiday photos up on the blog because we are going to Spain in 2 weeks. If he could, he would spend all day on the beach in the sand.

The Me and Mine Project


  1. 18th July 2016 / 10:17 pm

    Lovely photos! Matthew looks so grown up on his bike, so cute! xx

  2. 18th July 2016 / 4:11 pm

    AHh so cute!!! Noah has been walking the past month and it IS adorable seeing him chasing around after Tyne! I bet Chloe will be chasing Matthew everywhere! #Siblings