Mums with a full-time job will understand how hard it can be sometimes to find the quality time you want to spend with your children other than each weekend. When you have a 9-5 job there is not much time left in the evening time. Dinner has to be made, kids have to be bathed and get them ready for bed so they are fresh for the next day.
The last 2 weeks I have been lucky to spend some great quality time with my first born son. When I say lucky, it’s not exactly a way I would like him to spend it with me. The reason why I have been off work for the past 2 weeks is because he’s sick. He caught some sort of viral infection that is contagious. It’s called Impetigo. And I thought chicken pox was bad. Last week I brought him to the doctor. Since having child two I don’t bring them to the doctor anymore about every little thing, even though we not have free GP care for children under 6 years of age, but his temperature has been going up and down for 4 days at that stage and I wanted to know what caused it. That was the time I got confirmed he caught some virus that is floating around. The next day his daddy brought him again because he developed some spots in the face. I just wanted to rule out Chickenpox.
On Wednesday then I decided to bring him to the doctor again. The spots developed into something very aggressive and it was really itchy. Something you shouldn’t be doing, but us mothers do on a daily basis, I googled his symptoms. After a while I found something called Impetigo which I have never heard of before. It’s some sort of virus that can be transfered by touching the person who has it or whatever the person, who was already infected with the virus, touched. It can even be breathed in. I am surprised nobody else got it in creche.
To make the best out of our days off work and creche we had some mum and son time together. This developed a closer bond. I am now his best friend and noone else can be, not even daddy. But we are trying to get him out of that. Anyway, to make sure he didn’t get cabin fever while being stuck at home, we went to a few places every other day.
Last Tuesday was finally the beginning of the summer. The sun was shining and what better way can you celebrate that other than having an ice cream. Bare in mind we are in the middle of potty training so our trips can generally be not longer than 2 hours in case he has to go to the potty. He is not confident enough to be using the big toilet, then again we are only 2 weeks into potty training. We decided to pick up a Sunday ice cream from Mc Donald’s which we munched at home.
Matthew has developed a passion for the beach. If the weather wasn’t good enough some days or it was raining we went for a drive. We can call ourselves lucky that the Atlantic is basically on our doorstep.
Matthew is terrified of the doctor and because he was still such a great boy (he received stickers off the doctor which made the visit more “fun” to him) I decided to bring him to a local pub in Strandhill for some lunch. The Strandbar is definitely one of my favourite place to go for lunch.

Yesterday was an absolute stunning day. Instead of going to Strandhill beach again, we decided to go for a walk on Rosses Point beach. More like a run. So much freedom for Matthew to run around. Fresh air was definitely good for him.
To roll off the week we went to Mammy Johnston’s in Strandhill today. The place was packed. No wonder with the weather being so nice, who knows how long it will last. The kid that I am, I had smurf ice cream which is called “Blue Surf” in there. It’s got marshmallows in it. It was delicious. One scoop is actually massive so I only had one. Matthew went for the Smart Vanilla which had a few smarties in it.
His rash seems to be clearing up quite a good bit. Hopefully it’s all gone by some time next week. It also affects his eczema and I have never seen patches on his body in 2 years nearly I’d say so this is something nasty and I hope the antibiotics this is the end of it.
Ah the poor little dude. Glad to see its clearing up and he’s on the mend. My brother had impetigo many years ago and it covered half his head the poor fella.
Regardless of the circumstances it’s always nice to spend a bit of quality time with our wee ones.
Bless him, Toby had hand foot and mouth last year which inflamed his eczema and became impetigo so I know what it’s like. At least you made the best of the situation and it looks like you both had fun. I hope he’s fully better soon xx
Oh bless him – I hope he is better very soon. It was lovely for you to spend time together though. Kaz x
Oh wow. Sounds like you needed this quality time together. Hope you have some more booked in soon!
Impertigo is horrible, my little girl had it a couple of yeara ago. It’s so important to have that quality time and it make you appreciate the time that you do get with them x
I can’t even imagine being away for my girl that long. I only had a part time job a while back but quality time is so important.
Sorry to hear your little man was unwell but happy you got to spend some quality time together. It’s lovely when all they want is you. If only for the first few days! Xx
Oh Impetigo is horrible and I hope he’s feeling better. I love that you got to spend some quality time together and hope he’s feeling better soon x
I am terrible for googling symptoms. Need to stop as it drives me crazy! Glad you had some quality time together. x