How Life has been in Ireland since Lockdown

It has been that long, I can’t even remember when it was the first week we went into lockdown in Ireland. For us this is the new normal now but we must be entering week nine I’d say. As we are entering  a new week, today is the day where some of the restrictions are being lifted again.

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Easter Celebrations in Lockdown

It’s been a while since I have taken to the blog. I have neglected it a bit this year to be honest. Since we are on lockdown, I definitely have less time to sit down and write a post. If I am not working, I am minding the kids and when the kids are in bed, the least thing I…

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Are Electric Cars the Future of Irish Motoring?

“This Blog has been written and provided by An Post Insurance – #ad.” When hubby bought his new car at the end of last year, we definitely considered buying an electric car. We have the facility of charging it at the side of our house but the car he liked, wasn’t available as an electric one.

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8 Things You Should Do While Visiting Lisbon

It’s been over two weeks now since I returned from my trip to Lisbon. Apart from the one trip I made to London three years ago, this was my first ever proper solo trip. I had such a great time and I would definitely recommend it to everyone else out there. Your best friend might not always find the time…

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Chloe, You Are Five

Dear Chloe, another year has passed, another year older. This year is going to be a big one for you. You are finally stepping into your brothers footsteps and will be attending junior infants this coming September. We decided to keep you back for another year to grow your confidence. When you start school, you will be 5 years and…

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