Successful week in one way

Helloooo πŸ™‚ Oh my god sooo happy!!! Why? I went to the dentist on Thursday ( Yes, I went again lol). The dentist told me last time that my left back tooth is in the same bad shape as the one what was pulled out 3 weeks ago. He looked at it then and thank god I was lucky! It…

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A week back in work!

Hello again! πŸ™‚ It is Sunday!!! πŸ™ Means work again tomorrow but oh well that’s life and I have to earn money somehow don’t I? πŸ™‚ This week went good in work. It was hard to go back on Monday when you are off for a week but the week was pretty quiet in general. Must be the season. On…

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Relaxing Holiday Week

Time to blog again guys! πŸ™‚ Last Monday I went to Germany to see my mum and granny and also to take a week off work. Had a great time. Β Didn’t do too many exciting things. Only chilled out on the couch in the evening time, watching tele and have a drink or two. No one of my friends were…

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A week of hell

Hello everyone! Week nearly over! πŸ™‚ But what a week though. Last weekend I was such in pain from my tooth. Don’t know many painkillers I took everyday! I ended up going to the pharmacy on Sunday morning then and got the tablets that the dentist prescribed when the pain doesn’t go away. I was at the dentist on Monday…

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I had a dentist appointment today to get one of my teeth filled. Turns out though that it has been delayed to November because my other tooth that has been filled was so painful since Tuesday evening so I wanted to take care of that one first. Decided in the end to get it taken out. Didn’t feel anything. Thank…

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