It is getting closer to my due date now. I am going to be hitting the 36 weeks mark on Monday. This means it is time to pack my hospital bag and wash baby’s clothes this weekend.
I am so unorganised this time round. But I think it has got to do with the fact that I have a toddler running around the house who wants to be entertained too.
More than likely I will go over with this baby too just like I did with Matthew (10 days overdue).
When I first had Matthew I thought about absolutely everything and brought 2 bags into the hospital. Most of it I didn’t even use. But that’s the way it is when you are a first time mum. You want to be perfect, think of everything and don’t miss out on the smallest things.
This time I have thought about it a bit more and remembered back what was not necessary to bring and I have written down what I am going to bring. It will be only one bag. I hope this is of good usage to other mums out there who are expecting again as you forget so quickly what you brought on your first baby.
My hospital bag
For Me:
- Dressing Gown (I am taking it just in case, but last time I was in labour in August and it was so warm in the hospital that I rarely used it, even though it was a light one)
- Slippers, socks
- 2x Nighties (one for labour, one spare)
- Maternity Pads
- Breast Pads
- 2x Towels
- Toiletries/Wash Bag (Don’t bring your heavy shampoo bottles with you. You can purchase small 100ml bottles in Primark/Penneys and fill them with shampoo, conditioner etc)
- Hair Ties
- Camera/Phone
- Phone Charger
- Comfy Going Home outfit (whatever fitted you at 26 weeks )
- Snacks/Drinks (cereal bar, raisins, biscuits, fruit…etc)
For Baby:
- 4x vests (I’d recommend bringing new born and 0-3 months size)
- 4x sleep suits
- New born nappies
- Muslin squares (for cleaning up that milk)
- 2x baby blankets (I love the cellular ones)
- Hooded baby towel
- 2x hats
- 2x cot sheets
- Cotton wool
- Car seat
- Going home outfit
Is there anything you brought into hospital and didn’t need at all? Would you add on anything else?

Oh how very exciting. Just thinking about hospital bags and new family addition has got me all broody again. Sounds like you are all prepared. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me Not long now hunny… can’t wait to read all about it. #sharewithme
Gosh you’re so organised! I didn’t pack my bag until my waters broke – it was all sort of there but hadn’t quite made it into a bag!
thanks for linking and I hope the waiting isn’t too long! #Thelist xxx
I always forget about the hats. Once baby is home I don’t use them anymore to be honest.
Looks like a good list to me. I was admitted earlier than I thought this time around so hadn’t had chance to re-pack my bag. I forgot hats and mittens and poor Elsie struggled with her temp on her first night. We had some hats etc donated from NICU which luckily mean she didn’t need to visit them! Not long to go for you now!
Thanks for linking up to #MaternityMatters x x
Glad I am not the only one. Apart from the constant kicking I am feeling grand. Easy pregnancy otherwise.
Oh yeah I have the proper maternity pads…10 of them.
My lips are normally fine. Gas and air was of no use to me last time. Thanks 🙂 xx
Great list, with my Midwife hat on I would say you can never take enough baby clothes or sanitary pads! (The maternity ones, so many people take normal ones and it really has to be the proper ones). Also take lip balm for labour, especially if you’re using gas & air as it dries your lips out. Wishing you lots of luck with the arrival of number 2 lovely xxx
I wouldn’t be able to sleep anyways so it’s ok. 🙂
I’m getting organised with my hospital bag now – I’m due in March and again, having a toddler, don’t feel in the slightest bit organised! Hope you’re keeping well
The hospital towels are tiny! So bringing your own is a really useful suggestion. I like your list, it covers pretty much everything. Only additions I would suggest bringing is earplugs and eye mask for sleeping. I was in prenatal ward for three nights and found these two items very handy (especially at nights when most babies arrive! A few ladies delivered in the prenatal ward while I was there).