I can’t actually believe it. My boy who used to be a little baby not so long ago (That’s what it feels like anyway) is now 2 1/2 years old. Where has the time gone?
Not only you are 2 1/2 now you have become a big brother at the beginning of this month. Your little sister Chloe was born on February 1st.
I remember the morning you walked into the room when you first saw her. You were in shock a bit I have to admit. In the mean time you have come along though and you have spent the last month getting to know her and accepting her. You can be a bit rough around her sometimes but you don’t understand that she is only a little human.
When you are around her and not ignoring her (which you like doing too so the attention is on you) you are great with her giving her kisses. Sometimes I don’t even have to tell you to kiss her. You even look for her when she is not coming to creche to drop you off. You say “Baby gone”. The other day you helped feeding her bottle which was so cute. Once she is a few months older I think the 2 of you will get on great. I can’t wait to capture those moments.
You love creche still the same way. Every morning you are looking forward to meet your little friends and go off and play with them. Mammy and daddy call it “your little gang”.
The tantrums haven’t changed. If you don’t get your way the tears are flowing. That’s the way it is. I wouldn’t say it is the terrible two’s though. It’s your little character.
Height/Weight: I never really know how tall you are but you must be the average boy at your age. Regarding the weight, you don’t put on much, you are holding your weight which is 15 kg still more or less.
Sizes: I have started buying sizes 3-4 years as your pyjamas and thicker jumpers are getting smaller and smaller. Trousers and normal tops you still fit into a size 2-3 no problem.
Nappy size hasn’t changed but sometimes I think you could go into a size 6+.
Bedtime: This month we have reached a big milestone. Mammy and daddy have been rocking you to sleep since the age of 1 I’d say. It has come to an end. Mammy tried the controlled crying method and I am happy to report it worked. I couldn’t believe it. You go off to sleep by yourself now in minutes. It makes life so much easier.
Food/Eating: Lately you have been teething quite a good bit even though I thought you had all your teeth by now but you have the hands stuck in the mouth every evening and dribbling like mad. For that reason this puts you off food and I am mostly given you food that is good for the teething like apple. We are trying to eat dinner together as a family more often now but only meals you like. For example this evening we had Tuna Pasta and you loved it. You even managed to get the pasta on the fork. (yay for that)
Speech: Your speech is improving day by day. It is at the point now where mammy and daddy have to be careful what words to say around you because you are copying our words which means your comprehension got even better.
Playing/Toys: Cars, trains and airplanes. They seem to be your world at the moment. The other day we watched “Cars 2” and you loved it sitting on your little chair. You also love going around the house on your bikey, scooter and Mickey Mouse car. Mammy and daddy always have to chase you and you find it hilarious.
Your favorite place at the moment is the play center. You could spend hours in there climbing up and down and going down the slide. We are trying to bring you every weekend now.
Let’s see what the next few months bring.
Love you Matthew man. 🙂 Your Mammy. xxx

Ahh he is so cute and looks so grown up now. It really does go way too fast doesn’t it? I can’t believe I will have a 2 and 4 year old this summer. WOW. Lovely photos. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme