I never really write any updates on my little boy so today I thought I will have to start doing this as apart from posting photos of my little dude I don’t mention him much.
Today marks a special day. He turned 29 months! I can’t actually believe he is nearly 2 1/2 years old. Where has my little baby gone?
Next month, when you turn 2 1/2 years, you won’t be a single child anymore, you will be a big proud brother and I know for a fact that you will be the best brother for the baby. Even now you give the bump kisses, cuddles and the bottle. Only recently you even thought the baby might be hungry and you tried to give it a rice cake. Sharing is a big thing for you.
Let’s talk about your development this month…
Height/Weight: I actually don’t know how tall you are but I would imagine you are the average size height of a boy. In terms of the weight, the last time you got weighed or I weighed you, you were just under 15kg. I don’t think that has changed.
Sizes: You are still in 2-3 years clothing. I moved you into these back in February/March last year so I think new clothing will have to be purchased in the next month or two because I find your jumpers getting shorter. I can particularly notice it in your pyjamas. Trousers are still fine though. I want to try button ones on you soon as you can only wear elastic band ones for so long. So mammy is off to do some online shopping very soon. Her favourite thing to do.
At the moment you are in nappy size 6. You show no interest in potty training or toilets whatsoever. In fact you are scared of the potty. We won’t try the training probably until May as boys tend to take longer.
Bedtime: This has been getting complicated lately. I know we have been rocking you to sleep for a good while now and there is no problem to move you into your cot bed at all but since November you are not the best sleeper anymore. You could wake anytime in the night between 1 and 3am looking for us wanting to come into our bed. We still haven’t quite figured out yet why that is but back then you were really sick with enlarged tonsils and I think you have been getting them since. Now that might only be coincidental. Some say it could be you are sensing that mammy is in different moods because of having another baby and you feel left out and need the comfort. Daddy loves getting his cuddles off you at night anyways.
Food/Eating: You love your food especially creche/nursery food. You can be a bit picky when mammy is cooking you certain meals but most meals you eat. You have been slightly off your food in the last 2 weeks anyway because of teething.
At the moment I am trying to get you to eat certain meals with a fork like pasta which doesn’t work too well. You always want your spoon back. We will get there eventually.
If I’d ask you what your favourite food was without question, if you could speak the amount of words, you would say pancakes. After that it is probably carrots and sausages.
Your all time favourite breakfast is Weetabix with fruit pot.
Fruit wise you love every fruit but I think you could eat a whole box of grapes if you wanted to.
Speech: You are beginning to speak so much more lately and putting actual words into sentences which is great to hear. Your favourite sentence is “I want more”. It’s so cute when you say it. Mammy and Daddy find one sentence particularly funny when the cat is in the house and jump on things he shouldn’t be jumping on. “Get down cat”.
Playing/Toys: Right now you are a big fan of “Thomas the Tank Engine”. But you also love your cars and airplanes. Sometimes you can get a bit frustrated with your toys and you throw a little tantrum… we work on it.
For the next coming weeks we have planned to get you into a proper bedtime routine before moving you into a big boy bed. No more rocking. It is going to be a big task but hopefully we will be able to get through it.
Despite all that we love you to bits. You are a little character, always full of life and so funny.
Love you little man. Your Mammy. xxx

Oh how cute is he!!!! I love the photos. 29 months is such a fun age. One of my fave stages. Possibly teething could be causing his wake ups or growth spurts. I was told growth spurts and change their sleeping patterns for a while at this age. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme
What a sweetie, my 5 and 2 year old are not sleeping at the moment! Thanks for linking up to #brilliantblogposts x
Haha- he has it right with ‘I want more’ I have a feeling my youngest is going to have those as her first words! x
Hes got an adorable smile and looks like keeping you up your toes. A lovely read. I wished I did this with my son before so that I know what he was doing then =) #sharewithme
Lovely article 🙂
We are having trouble in the sleeping department too, it’s between 1am and 3am too – must be something in the air. I think its down to teething and getting spoilt by Daddy 😉
Good luck with the bedtime routine and moving into a big boy bed!