Ireland’s #Hiddendrives

When  my friend comes over for a visit from Germany, we always do a day of exploring around Ireland. Generally around the region of Sligo. She hasn’t been to visit me since we moved to County Kildare. Can you imagine how much we have to explore here? It would take us days, if not even weeks. We only live at…

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My Ireland Travel Bucket List

This September marks 10 years of me living in Ireland. How time flies. I can’t believe I have lived on the Emerald Island for 10 whole years. Neither have I thought that I am going to actually stay here. The plan was to spend one year in a foreign country which in my case was Ireland. I had no intention…

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Trabolgan Holiday Village – The Facilities

Welcome back to the last instalment of my Trabolgan Holiday Village experience from last week.I hope you will enjoy this one as much as you did the last two and hopefully it will give you an idea of the place whether it’s for you or not.

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Trabolgan Holiday Village – The Food

Welcome back to my second instalment of Trabolgan Holiday Village. This one is all about the food you can get in the centre as well as a place we found only 10 mins drive from Trabolgan.

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Trabolgan Holiday Village- The Accommodation

Last year we booked a family holiday away to the South part of Ireland, Cork that is. It was a holiday away for 4 nights in Trabolgan’s holiday village. I’ve heard so much about it that I thought we might give it a go and book, it’s still easier than traveling with 2 kids abroad. Unfortunately we couldn’t make it…

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