We are no strangers to Center Parcs in Longford. We first visited five years ago when the park newly reopened, we have been back since over Christmas to check out their Winter Wonderland experience too. The kids are always excited to return.
Dear Chloe, this will be your last year of having a single digit birthday. Time is definitely flying. Mammy and Daddy can’t believe how quick you have grown and what a little independent lady you have become. You bring us so much joy on a daily basis (and some tantrums too but to be expected).
On Monday we returned from our family holiday in Gran Canaria. The kids have been looking forward to this holiday for a long time. The excitement was building up for days and so Chloe was counting down the days a week beforehand.
You have entered first class and your teacher is called Muinteoir Lynda. I dropped you off on your first day which was proven to be a bit difficult for you but you were fine after day two. I think it was all a bit overwhelming for you with all the kids storming into their classroom. I attended the parent teacher…
Easter last we decided to take a family trip to London for a few days. I have been to London numerous times in the past but never took the kids. During the trip I realised how kid friendly London actually is.
Dear Matthew, you reached the double digit. Can you believe it, because your parents can’t. What a marvellous ten years we have had with you so far.
Oh wow, what a weekend it has been. I am still trying to gather myself from it before I am off to Cork for another show this weekend.
Not too long ago Ireland received a new attraction. Located in the Avondale Forest Park in County Wicklow is the new built tree top walk and viewing tower.
It has been two weeks already since we returned from our family holiday in Mallorca. A holiday we have been longing for such a long time. It is great to have travel fully back again.
Last Summer we went to Belfast for just a night away, different scenery type of stuff. The kids were very excited to be able to go to “a different country” without leaving the actual island.
Dear Chloe, it is that time of the year again. You are yet again one year older. What a fast year it has been. COVID is still around but we are all managing well and life is as much back to normal as it could possibly be. In fact, you will finally have your birthday party again this year with…
“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas”. I think everyone is finally in the Christmas spirit as we have entered December. Perfect opportunity for me to tell you all about our visit to Center Parcs last month.
Slowly but surely international travel is resuming again. It has been 18 months plus since I last put a foot into an airport. Luckily this has come to an end and I was able to travel again last month.
Dear Matthew, here we are again, one year older and one year smarter. This will be your last birthday in the single digits. It is hard to believe you will be ten next year.
County Cork is like a big adventure playground. There is so much to see and do, you would have to spend weeks there to cover every inch. County Cork is the biggest County in Ireland after all.
It has been another year of “staycationing” in Ireland. Last Summer it took us to the North of Ireland, County Donegal. We got so lucky with the weather then. This year we booked our stay just in time for the mini heat wave that lasted over a week. This time it took us to the South of Ireland, County Cork.…
Last month my friends and I set off on an adventure down to county Waterford. A trip we have been looking forward to for weeks, particularly after the last sixteen months we had. Our main aim was to walk the Waterford Greenway (46km!!!), however we did half and half in the end.
It has been almost five years since I created my very own Ireland bucket list. Now more than ever, it is the perfect opportunity to tick off any remaining destination on my list as well as add new ones.
As some people might say, County Mayo is one of the most underrated counties in Ireland. Yet it has so much beautiful scenery to offer. I got the chance to explore some of County Mayo back in September of last year and particularly Achill Island I found fascinating.
On one of the adventures we managed to get away last Summer, we went down to Galway for a few days and stayed with Matthew’s godfather. We had a day spare one day and decided to drive down the southern part of County Galway, to a place called The Burren Nature Sanctuary.