A Little TLC for the Cat


Some of you  may or may not know that we have 2 cats in our household. I introduced them back the end of February.If you want to catch up on it, you can do so here.

As they mainly live outside and get some cuddles only occasionally in the house, I want them to have at least a comfy bed to sleep in at night or whenever they wish to sleep. That’s where our garden shed comes in handy. They have been living in there since they were born pretty much. I have been talking about an upgrade for over a year now. But you know the way it is with kids, you just simply don’t get the time or something else becomes priority. The fact that I was off the whole week this week became the perfect opportunity to do this finally. I spent the whole day cleaning it, scrubbing it, sweeping it and cleaning the windows. It wasn’t an easy job I have to say, after leaving it for so long.

I decided to completely spoilt them and got them nearly everything new. In fairness their scratching pole came apart, so it was definitely time for a new one.


They can either sleep on it or scratch, totally up to them. If I know my cats, it will take them some time to get used to it.


This is their little sleeping area. They both generally sleep together. I took the card box from our lawn mower. It;s huge. They are spoilt little things and don’t like sleeping in the made up beds you can buy in the shops. I stuffed the box with 2 cosy blankets from Primark which were only €4 each. Doesn’t it look all snuggly?



I added some personal touches to it. I printed off a photo each of Missy and Bailey and stuck it to the wooden wall.


They also have this cosy little area right beside their bed. I find Missy on it sometimes, that’s the only reason why I haven’t got rid of it yet. She seems to be enjoying it obviously.


We don’t have that many garden tools which means there is still plenty of space for my beloved cats. Hubby always gives out that the shed is way too big and half of it is not even used and the cats will be fine with a smaller one. Honestly the cats don’t get much, they deserve at least a big “house” of their own. Cat lovers will agree with me on that. (right, Alex?)


The other corner of the shed is their toilet. You can see how spoilt they are, because if the shed door is open all day, do you think they go in the bushes? Nope, into the shed, in the cat toilet and off they go do their business. I bought this new, too as the old one was a bit disgusting. You might notice the toilet sign above it. I found this online and just had to stick it up. Men/Women Cat toilet. Brilliant touch I found, not that the cats would care.


Then further down, near the door, I have the “dining area”. They do drink water, but every now and then I treat them to some milk.


I am delighted I finally got this task off my list and I hope the cats will have a great sleep tonight in their new decorated cat shed.

Do you have cats? Are they outdoor or indoor cats? Do you treat them every now and then?

Let's Talk Mommy


  1. Janine's Little World
    19th September 2015 / 9:10 pm

    They both sleep in there every night and the shed door is closed. They are delighted. They can’t rest when the door is open all night.

  2. 19th September 2015 / 10:43 am

    Wow! What an amazing cat house… It’s beautiful… Does your cat reside there? I had also made a little house for my cat once. But my cat never liked to live there… Later I decided to let her stay wherever she wants to. By the way I really like the blog. Thanks for sharing.

  3. 15th September 2015 / 2:08 pm

    Ahh lovely cat house so posh too. That toilet sign is brilliant. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me. #sharewithme

  4. Janine's Little World
    10th September 2015 / 8:36 pm

    We are moving house and I might start doing the same thing because we moving out to the country .

  5. 10th September 2015 / 6:22 pm

    Yes we have cats. We have 3 of them. 😀
    They are both indoors and outdoors, I keep the small kitchen window open which is on the side of the house, like a small hatch window and they use that to go in and out as they please. 🙂

  6. Janine's Little World
    9th September 2015 / 8:38 pm

    We are moving house and I actually want to get a 3rd kitten. We used to have a 3rd one but he ran away.

  7. 9th September 2015 / 10:25 am

    Aww I love that the cats have their own room and you have put photos up that is so cute we got our kitten in march time she comes in to sleep at night though #sharewithme

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