1000 Questions to Myself #12 and 13

It’s been a while. Blogging can really fall on top of you sometimes and then it’s so hard to catch up again. I intended to take part in the 1000 questions challenge by PinkePank each week but somehow it just caught up on me. I am catching up with it now, even if I am weeks behind as I find these interesting to look at in the future.

221. Does friendship at first sight exist?

I am sure it does. Sometimes you just meet someone and it clicks straight away. Other friendships can take a while to develop into a really good friendship. I have about two long term friendships and we can talk about anything and wouldn’t be ashamed.

222. Do you allow yourself a regular break?

Yes, looking after two kids and working full-time on top of it AND managing the household can be exhausting. Hubby and I are regularly sharing evenings. He is off to do this own thing when the kids are in bed which is mostly tennis and I am off somewhere other evenings. It’s a great balance.

223. Were you ever in love without wanting it?

Without going into too much detail… yes, during business school years.

224. Do you put people in drawers?

Depends on the person. I probably have lost contact to a few people in the past but always reconnected again over the years.

225. Which sound do you like?

Waves, it’s so calming.

226. When were you the happiest?

There are two many moments. The smallest things make me happy to be honest like for example, I just ordered two new bar stools for the kitchen and the day they arrive, I couldn’t be more happier for the kitchen to be completed.

227. Who do you like to be with?

Family and friends.

228. Do you always want to explain everything?

YES for sure.

229. When was the last time you overcame your fear?

First thing that comes to mind is when my friend and I went to a water park in Tenerife three years ago. Probably one of the slides.

230. What was your biggest youthful sin?

I didn’t like certain subjects in school, I mean who did. Some of them involved a lot of learning and remembering for the exams. I used little sheets of paper that told me the answer on it. Thankfully I was never caught. It’s fair to say I’ve done it more than once. Nothing more to say.

231.What do you just not want to accept?

On a daily basis I would have discussions with hubby and some things I just wouldn’t accept. Couldn’t give you an example now.

232. Which anecdote about you do you hear often?

There is nothing really to tell about me.

233. What day in your life would you like to relive?

Spending more time with my grandparents and mum before they died.

234. Would you rather have more time or more money?

Probably more time but in some situations, to have more time you also need more money.

235. Would you like to look into the future?

No, the future will happen the way it should for a reason.

236. Can you define your limits well?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

237. Have you ever been in a dangerous situation?


238. Do you have a tick?

Not that I know of, other could probably tell easily though if there was one.

239. Is happiness is a goal or a snapshot?

More like a snapshot. If it was a goal, you are trying to achieve to be happy, but really you always want to be happy.

240. Who would you like to spend your last minutes with?

With my family.

241. Do you feel called to something in life?

Possibly blogging?

242. Are you addicted to something?

Fizzy drinks and my phone.

243. Whose death has touched you the most?

My mum and grandparents.

244. What would be the title of your autobiography?


245. To what extent do you already correspond to the person you want to be?

Nobody is perfect. I am trying to be a good person most days but sometimes it can be hard when everything just lands on top of you.

246. When do you have to end a relationship?

I am not that kind of person who would end a relationship to be honest, therefore I can’t really answer this question.

247. How important is your work to you?

It’s important enough to be able to pay the bills and treat myself to something every now and again. It’s also a bit socialise with other people. For that reason I could never see myself as a stay at home mum for example.

248. What would you like to master well?

In school languages were my strength. I would love to learn how to speak Spanish. If it wasn’t the language barrier, then I would have probably ended up in Spain rather than Ireland.

249. Do you think money makes you happy?

Yes, some things do. Something small like buying new clothes.

250. Would you choose your partner again today?

Yes, of course.

251. In which sport do you think you are good at?

I hate sport. But you could consider table tennis a sport and I do enjoy that.

252. Do you often have a hypocritical interest?


253. Are you good at telling stories?

Made up once no.

254. Whom do you treat the very best?

Everyone should be treated well but the best definitely my family and friends.

255. What did you miss for your own regret?

Things you could only do without kids. A bit of traveling for example, go to concerts. I mean I have been to plenty of concerts in the last ten years and I love my kids but sometimes I wish I would have done a bit more things I love. However back then I wasn’t in a financial situation where I could have done this.

256. Can you distract yourself well?

Again, a question that depends on the situation but most times yes.

257. In which clothes do you feel most comfortable?

I could live in leggings 24/7. Combined with a longish top or a casual dress. Though friends of mine recommended these jeggings to me. I never found any comfortable ones before but these from New Look are amazing. It’s a nice change from leggings and they still feel like leggings.

258. What did you think would never happen to you?

Meet my amazing and caring hubby and have two healthy kids.

259. Would you like to belong to the opposite sex?

Definitely not but I’d try it out for a day to see how they tick. HA

260. Who annoys you occasionally?

I am easily annoyed to be honest.